Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wanda Houston

Once lived a single mother named Monica who lived with her mother, Wanda Houston, and her two kids, Jaylen and Jasmin. They were poor and only had couches to sleep on. That Thursday night someone came knocking on the door asking for Wanda Houston. She handed her 10,000 dollars and Wanda said, "Who are you?"

"I am Olivia," said the lady. "I was told to bring you 10,000 dollars by my mom."

"Thank you very much," Wanda said. The next morning Wanda had a surprise for Monica, and the kids and herself. They went to Victoria's Secret, Walmart and Big Kmart's. They bought clothes, shoes, food and drinks. Of course they bought Olivia some things like lotion, perfume and shoes. When they were done they had 8,000 dollars left. Then they spent 50 dollars to get their hair done, including Jasmin.

They lived happily ever after!

The end.

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